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Intellectual Disability and Autism Spectrum Disorder

The Centre de réadaptation en Déficience intellectuelle (DI) et en Trouble du spectre de l’autisme (TSA) offers specialised services in habilitation, rehabilitation and social integration.

Children under 6 years of age who present with a significant developmental delay are also eligible for our services.

The purpose of our program is to assist the individual to live an active life while taking their lifestyle into account (ex.: nutrition, personal care, communication, mobility, education, leisure activities, etc.), of their condition and actual needs. We favor as much as possible their autonomy so that they can integrate easily and this, in all aspects of their lives (social, educational and professional integration, etc.).

Our specialised services are personalized and centered on the individual and their family. We take into account the person’s wishes in their rehabilitation project and parents are considered the experts with regard to their child.

Services are offered, according to each situation, at the Centre de réadaptation or in the person’s different living environments (home, daycare, school, etc.) to foster learning in all these areas.
The success of the habilitation and rehabilitation approach at the Centre de réadaptation rests on the collaboration and involvement of the families, on the user’s participation in their treatment and on the integration of these skills in the different areas of their life.

The individual involved in the rehabilitation process is considered as the key agent of change. They occupy a place of importance in the decision making process and their opinion is solicited during the different stages of the rehabilitation process.

Our specialized and competent professionals will work with the individual and their family in achieving the objectives specified in the intervention plan. They are special educators, occupational therapists, psychologists, language speech therapists, social workers, clinical specialists and art therapy specialists.


Intellectual disability

An individual presenting with an intellectual disability with significant limited intellectual functioning (reasoning, planning, problem solving, abstract thought, understanding complex ideas, memorising, attention and learning from experience).

They also have significant limited adaptive behavior, with all conceptual, social and practical skills learned by the individual which allows the person to function on a daily basis.


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Autism spectrum disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder that is characterized by severe deficits in areas of communication and social interactions and by the presence of limited interests and repetitive patterns of behaviour.

Children with a provisional diagnosis of ASD also have access to services.

Access to services

To access our services, a referral must be submitted by your doctor, a paediatrician or intervener from the CISSS de l’Abitibi-Témiscamingue who is aware of your situation.
If you have any concerns or needs related to your child or an adult, you can make an appointment by contacting your CLSC.

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For more information, contact the point of service nearest to you! Consult the list our establishments.