The pages accessible in English concern access to services and security in regard with health and social services in accordance with the French language charter.
The Charter of the French language and its regulations govern the consultation of English-language content.
Are You Not Okay?
Are you having a difficult time?
Our teams of psychosocial social workers can offer you assistance and support.
- Psychosocial telephone consultation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (Info-Social).
- Crisis intervention in the family: if needed, a worker can travel to meet with the individual who is in crisis.
- Intake, analysis, orientation and referral (AAOR): AAOR services represent the main entry point for requests for social or psychological services. They are offered weekdays within the CLSC, with or without an appointment.
In case of an emergency situation that requires immediate attention, dial 911 or go directly to a hospital Emergency department