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Technical Aids Services (SAT)

Technical aid services include technical aids for motor and language impairments, hearing impairments and visual impairments.


Motor and language impairment

Technical mobility and posture aids are aids that contribute to the movement of the person and to an adequate body position. These aids include, for example, manual or motorized wheelchairs, positioning bases and adapted strollers.

The purpose of technical walking aids is to facilitate autonomous and safe movement (e.g., cane, crutches, walker).

Orthotics are technical aids that are intended to correct a deficient function, compensate for a disability or increase the physiological performance of an organ or limb.

Prostheses are intended to replace, in whole or in part, an amputated or missing limb (totally or partially) and to restore it to its original function or appearance.

Technical aids for communication and environmental control are aids intended for a person with a motor or language impairment for the purpose of compensating for the disabilities resulting from that impairment.


This aid is grouped into four categories: 

  • Assistive listening devices for oral communication and adapted telephony (e.g., voice amplifier, adapted telephone with breath control);
  • Written communication aids (e.g., adapted pencil);
  • Computer access (e.g., oversized keyboard, on-screen keyboard software, head-controlled cursor);
  • Environmental control (e.g., remote control).


Hearing loss

Assistive hearing aids are aids intended for a person with a hearing impairment for the purpose of compensating for the disabilities resulting from that impairment. This aid is grouped into three categories:

  • Text transmission (e.g., teletypewriter);
  • Sound transmission (e.g., telephone amplifier);
  • Environmental monitoring (e.g., adapted alarm clock).


Visual impairment

Visual aids are technical aids intended for a person with a visual impairment for the purpose of compensating for the disabilities resulting from that impairment. These grants include:

  • Reading aids (e.g., desktop magnifier);
  • Writing aids (e.g., Braille typewriter);
  • Mobility aids (e.g., white detection cane);
  • Computer aids (e.g., type magnification software);
  • Aids for activities of daily living and domestic life (e.g., adapted guide knife).


Services offered by technical aid services

  • Assessment of the person's needs;
  • Allocation of appropriate aid;
  • Design and manufacture of technical aids;
  • Maintenance and repair of technical aids.


Service of technical aids in motor impairment 
7, 9e Rue
819-762-6592, ext. 47411


622, 4e Rue Ouest
819 732-3341

Hearing Loss Technical Aids Services
7, 9e Rue
819-762-6592, ext. 47411

Service d'aides techniques en déficience visuelle 
100, chemin Docteur-Lemay
819-762-6592, ext. 47240