The pages accessible in English concern access to services and security in regard with health and social services in accordance with the French language charter. The Charter of the French language and its regulations govern the consultation of English-language content. 

Support for natural caregivers

Who is a natural caregiver?

Natural caregivers are usually the children or spouse, and sometimes a neighbour, who helps the individual affected with a loss of autonomy or who is experiencing difficulties with daily living. It is not about volunteer help but more the involvement of family or friends.

Services offered by the CLSC:

  • Provide financial support to the family or loved ones allowing them a respite to reduce fatigue, exhaustion or the effects of the different stresses related to their lives.
  • Support the family or loved ones through organised support groups.
  • Provide respite outside the home through places available in temporary housing resources or organisations with a respite mission, or respite at home through organisations with a mission to provide respite at home.


To obtain these services

Communicate with the reception services nearest you.