The pages accessible in English concern access to services and security in regard with health and social services in accordance with the French language charter.
The Charter of the French language and its regulations govern the consultation of English-language content.
Archives and Medical Records
To receive the information contained in your file, contact the archives department or go in person. Have handy the following information :
- The date care or services were rendered related to this request;
- The purpose of your request (specify the rendered care or services related to this request);
- Your name;
- Your date of birth;
- The name of your mother and father;
- Your signature;
- Your complete address for sending you the requested information.
Or complete the form Autorisation de communiquer des renseignements contenus au dossier (French only) (document to come)
To receive the information contained in your file, you can make your request by:
Calling the Archives department.
Completing the form: Autorisation de communiquer des renseignements contenus au dossier or by submitting a letter to the Archives department by fax or by mail.
Visit the Archives department in person.